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Cancellation by Participant:1.1 If you wish to cancel your registration for the medical conference, you must notify us in writing by email or through the conference registration portal.1.2 The following cancellation fees will apply: Cancellation by Organiser:2.1 In the event that the medical conference needs to be canceled or postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, including […]
Your Email[email* your-email] Name[text* name-as-required] Attendance Method Physical Online Mobile Number[text* mobile-number] Designation[text* designation] Hospital[text* hospital] Address[text* address] City[text* city] Postcode[text* postcode] [acceptance acceptance-314] I agree with the terms and conditions*[/acceptance] [recaptcha] [submit “Register”] 1 [_site_title] [Consultant Registration] [_site_title] Dear Team, You have received a Consultant registration for Paediatric Liver Study Day September 13th 2023. […]